Web Development Services

Portal Website

All in one place to attract and engage the user, as well as communicate your brand and raise awareness about a product or service.


 Portal allows users to connect with one another and find content that is relevant with ease and simplicity.

A Portal Website is a specially designed web site that brings information together from various sources in a uniform way. Usually, each information source has its dedicated area on the page for displaying information.A Web portal or public portal refers to a Web site or service that offers a broad array of resources and services, such as e-mail, forums, search engines, and online shopping malls. The first Web portals were online services, such as AOL, that provided access to the Web, but by now most of the traditional search engines have transformed themselves into Web portals to attract and keep a larger audience. 

Online Biz Solutions help the customers to deliver a personalized web experience for their customers, within a single point of access to the applications, services, information and social connections they need.We at Onlinebiz build web portals that are designed to EMPOWER performance and innovation. Speak to our expert web portal developers to learn more about our Enterprise Web Portal Design, Development & Maintenance Services. Few Examples of portals are Travel Portal, Real Estate Portal, E-commerce Portal,Social Networking Portal,Educational Portal,Job Portal etc.


A link or hypertext which is a selectable connection inserted in the form of word, picture, or information object to another.

Drop Down List Box

A drop-down list box is a field provided to the end-user for easy selection with a down arrow at the far right edge. 


Text Box

A text box is a rectangular box which has the information and allow the user to enterthe data in any format – alpha-numeric, special characters, etc

Check Box 

A check box is a facility provided to the user in the form of square box that is selected or cleared to turn on or off an option. 

Command Buttons

Command Buttons are the rectangular buttons that will clicked by the user to initiate the action indicated on the label of the button.


Tabs are labelled groups of options used for similar functions.  User will click on a tab to display the page.

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Portal Website Design in Pune

Online Biz Solutions shares the following key features of a Portal Website:

  • Easy access to integration of internal & external data sources
  • Easy to target the personalized content for targeted users
  • A single method of user sign-in and records
  • Active user interaction
  • Correct approach and right information architecture
  • A personalized, role -based user interface, customizable to individual needs.
  • The primary purpose of portals is to provide a single point of access to existing business information systems and sources.
  • To this end, portal software comes out-of-the-box with a range of integration tools for a range of technologies.
  • Portals can help to deliver 'single sign-on'

Radio Button

 A radio button is a small circle that has a dot when the option is selected, and it is kept blank when the option is not selected.  Basically it is used by the end-user to change from not selected to selected, or from selected to not selected by simply clicking inside the small circle.

Portal Website Templets in Pune

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